Introducing Bay Baseball Bites

If you have been following along here you are probably familiar with my Tastes of T-Mobile Park series from when I went to a lot of games at T-Mobile Park during the 2019 season. So much has changed in the world since I last wrote about all of those culinary experiences across the ballpark, including a whole (short) season of baseball without fans in the stadiums eating delicious ballpark food (but at least there was cardboard cutout version of myself at T-Mobile Park).


Now in this 2021 season of baseball I have moved to the Bay Area which has given me a chance to explore two ballparks, just a hop, skip, and BART ride away from each of them. I am not going to as many games as I did back in 2019 but I am loving the opportunity to see how the baseball experience varies across the bay, but most importantly trying all sorts of ballpark food!

Stay tuned to hear about all of my adventures of trying out the offerings at the Oakland Coliseum and Oracle Park!

Hanging out with my cardboard cutout

Hanging out with my cardboard cutout


Bay Baseball Bites - SF Edition # 1


Airport Runway Run