Tastes of T-Mobile Park - The Big Cheese

Grilled cheese sandwiches are one of my favorite types of sandwiches of all time. They're simple and cheesy and though they all aren't all created equally, they are always great. And another thing that is great is that there is a stand at T-Mobile Park dedicated to the grilled cheese sandwich, which of course is called "The Big Cheese".

"The Big Cheese" has been in the ballpark for a couple of seasons now but is still a new discovery for many fans. You can't get nachos or fries or popcorn here. All you can get are grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup, and a small selection of beer. I love the simplicity of "The Big Cheese" which is what I would expect from a place that does grilled cheese sandwiches.The sandwiches themselves aren't fancy grilled cheeses. The fanciest you can get is by getting the one with bacon on it. But the stretch of the cheese when you bite into one of these sandwiches is great and they are cut perfectly into two triangles so they can bring back the nostalgia of the millions of these sandwiches you had as a kiddo.The Big CheeseGoing back to the simplicity of "The Big Cheese" this is a great option when you go to a game where the lines of everything else you pass along the concourse is extremely long because even when there's a line here they can go through it quickly.I have not yet had the tomato soup from here so I can't speak to that, but I would definitely recommend "The Big Cheese" if you are craving a simple classic or some food that is portioned on the smaller side for ballpark food so then you can plan to fully enjoy ice cream out of a mini helmet later in the game.


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